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Vietnamese food recipes

  • Authentic Vietnamese meatball recipe

    Authentic Vietnamese meatball recipe

    Today we're going to indulge our taste buds in sweet and savoury Vietnamese meatballs - Xiu Mai. A hearty and delightful dish, perfect for those chilly months. With a combination of flavorful spices and a moist texture, these meatballs are...

  • Vietnamese Wonton Soup

    Vietnamese Wonton Soup

    Today, we bring you a tasty and authentic recipe for Vietnamese Wonton Soup (Mi Hoanh Thanh). Ah, Fall! That cozy season that nudges us towards the comforting embrace of warm meals. And what better dish to curl up with than a...

  • Vietnamese Caramelized Pork Spare Ribs

    Vietnamese Caramelized Pork Spare Ribs

    Today we are making Vietnamese Caramelized Pork Spare Ribs (Sườn Ram Mặn). If you're after a dish that’s easy enough for a quick weeknight dinner yet impressive enough to earn you some bragging rights, you’re in for a treat!This recipe's...

  • Vietnamese dry noodle

    Vietnamese dry noodle

    Today, we're making my favourite Vietnamese dry noodle dish— Hủ Tiếu Mì Khô, a delicious Vietnamese pork & seafood noodle dish that's versatile, flavourful, and so satisfying. 
  • Vietnamese pork chop recipe

    Vietnamese pork chop recipe

    Get ready for the most delicious and flavour-packed Vietnamese Pork Chops recipe!